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Since firmware 1.0.0, it is no longer required to manually configure the decoder. It will automatically determine the correct one to use during startup. See Auto-Detection for more information.

What is a decoder?

In order to determine the desk height, the firmware uses what we call a decoder in order to interpret the desk's serial protocol. This is the component that handles the bytes coming from the desk's control box and decodes it into a usable height value.

These decoders currently exist:

  • uplift
  • jarvis
  • omnidesk

Despite their names, it is possible for a decoder to work on a different brand of desk. For example, the uplift decoder works on Jarvis desks with control box model number FULLYCB3-A.


During startup, the firmware will automatically attempt to determine the correct decoder to use. It sends a packet to the control box to wake it up, and cycles through each possible decoder to see which one produces a valid height value. If you are having trouble with this (i.e., the desk height is reported as "Unknown"), please see this section of the troubleshooting guide for further instructions.

Decoders by Model Number

Here is a list of known control box model numbers and the decoders that work with them.

Fully Jarvis

  • FULLYCB2C-A: jarvis
  • FULLYCB3-A: uplift
  • JCB36N2CA-230: jarvis
  • JCB35N-110: uplift

Uplift v2

  • FRM053-2: uplift

AMQ Activ

  • X-AP2-WFC.F3 (V4.2) / 1308870001 rev A: uplift